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Oscar Tovar-Argueta

PhD 2019


  • University of Maryland, College Park: BA (2004), BS (2004)
  • Biola University: MA 
  • Loyola Marymount University: MA 
  • University of Virginia: MA 
  • University of Virginia: PhD 


I am interested in the conflict (and possible conciliation) between normative theological claims and the relativizing effect of those claims by historical criticism. In the first part of my dissertation I will argue, through a descriptive analysis, that the Christian tradition has consistently demythologized itself from the earliest strata of biblical material to our contemporary context. The second part of my dissertation will attempt to show that this inner-seeking movement is not just descriptively what happens to be the case, but rather, what must be the case given Christianity's eschatological orientation. I hope to show that history is not subversive of theology, but rather, that history is the medium of revelation, and hence itself a form of theology, transcendentally understood.

Research Interests

  • Bultmann
  • Tillich
  • Rahner
  • Historical Jesus
  • Hegel
  • Schleiermacher
  • Kant
  • Heidegger
  • Philosophy of History
  • Hermeneutics


  • Critical Thinking, Loyola Marymount (2013), Instructor on Record
  • Elements of Christian Thought, UVA (2013), TA
  • New Testament and Early Christianity, UVA (2014), TA
  • Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, UVA (2014), TA
  • Protestant Theology, UVA (2015), TA