Students must select one of the following concentrations. Course lists for each concentration can be found here.
- Religions of Africa and the African Diaspora
- Religion, Ethics, and Philosophy
- Religion, Literature, and the Arts
- Religion, Politics, and Global Perspectives
- Religions of the Americas
- Buddhism
- Christianity
- Hinduism
- Islam
- Judaism
***In exceptional circumstances, students may design their own Concentrations by identifying three connected courses and petitioning the Director of Undergraduate Programs.
Religions of Africa and the African Diaspora
The Religions of Africa and the African Diaspora concentration offers students an opportunity to study a wide array of religions in Africa and its diaspora including African indigenous religions, African Christian and Islamic traditions and cultures, Afro-creole religions such as Santeria and Candomblé, and African American religious traditions and movements. This concentration is inherently interdisciplinary, drawing on ethnographic, historical, philosophical, literary and artistic approaches and methods, to name a few. Courses in this concentration explore the dynamic interrelationships among diverse religious communities across the African continent and the diaspora in the past and present, and consider the impact and relevance of African and diasporic religious imaginations, practices, and ways of knowing for the wider world.
Religion, Ethics, and Philosophy
The track in Religion, Ethics, and Philosophy provides students with the opportunity to explore profound and meaningful questions that great thinkers and communities have pondered for millennia, and which still remain relevant today. How should we live? What can we really know? Can religious (or secular) beliefs be rationally justified? What role should religion play in society? How might religious, ethical, and philosophical thinking be applied to urgent present-day issues such as climate change, racial and social justice, healthcare and bioethics, global conflict and religious violence? And who am I, amidst this all? Students will critically explore such fundamental questions using tools from a wide array of fields, including anthropology, history, literature, philosophy, and politics, and with the flexibility to tailor their course of study to their own interests.
Religion, Literature, and the Arts
The Religion, Literature, and the Arts concentration provides students with the opportunity to study religious traditions and questions through explorations of a wide range of forms of expression and imagination. Religious traditions are filled with literary texts—poetry, stories, myths, legends, dramas—and other artistic forms—images, paintings, music, songs, sacred objects; likewise, many literary and artistic works explore and express religious questions, themes, and concerns. Attention to both how and what these works engage, their form and their content, their style and their substance, their creation and their reception, their cultural settings and their artistic particularities, contributes to the study of religion. Students in this concentration take up questions of aesthetics, poetics, hermeneutics, and ethics as they explore texts, objects, and creations from diverse religious traditions and cultures.
Religion, Politics, and Global Perspectives
In the “Religion, Politics, and Global Perspectives” concentration students engage the pressing questions of our time through grappling with the perspectives of diverse religious and ethical communities across the globe. Going beneath and beyond the headlines, classes in this concentration look at what kinds of theological and communal understandings underlie world-changing events, political commitments, and global flows of culture and ideas. Recognizing that religion is as unbounded as it is inescapable in world affairs, these classes will engage religious formations transnationally and transculturally, with course materials sitting at the intersection of religion, history, critical theory, anthropology/cultural studies, and political thought.
Religions of the Americas
The Religions of the Americas concentration focuses on the diversity of religious traditions, practices, and beliefs across the Americas from the 15th century to the present. This area of study employs interdisciplinary methods, including history, ethnography, cultural studies, and ethical and theological reflection, and covers the wide range of religions in the post-Columbian Americas, including Catholic and Protestant Christianity, Afro-Creole religions, Mormonism, Judaism, Buddhism, and more. Courses in this concentration highlight the social, cultural, and political entanglements of religion in various contexts and moments, including especially attention to religion and race, migration, law, empire, the state, popular culture, gender, and sexuality.
Religious Traditions
The Religious Studies Department also offers majors the opportunity to concentrate in one of the world’s religious traditions. Currently, students can concentrate in Buddhism (RELB), Christianity (RELC), Hinduism (RELH), Islam (RELI), or Judaism (RELJ). Concentrating in a religious tradition enables you to study that tradition in depth, across multiple geographies, and in a wide range of its diverse articulations, including its theologies, scholarly and popular literatures, material cultures, rituals, politics and lived practices. Courses offered in a tradition may focus on the classical or medieval foundations of the tradition, or explore its modern or contemporary forms, while sometimes covering multiple historical periods.
- RELB 2054 - Tibetan Buddhism Introduction Credits: 3
- RELB 2067 - Buddhism and Environmental Thought and Practice Credits: 3
- RELB 2100 - Buddhism Credits: 3
- RELB 2120 - Buddhist Literature Credits: 3
- RELB 2130 - Taoism and Confucianism Credits: 3
- RELB 2135 - Chinese Buddhism Credits: 3
- RELB 2165 - Buddhist Meditation and the Modern Secular World Credits: 3
- RELB 2200 - Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy Credits: 3
- RELB 2252 - Buddhism in Film Credits: 3
- RELB 2450 - Zen Credits: 3
- RELB 2715 - Introduction to Chinese Religion Credits: 3
- RELB 2900 - Buddhist Meditation Traditions Credits: 3
- RELB 3150 - Seminar in Buddhism and Gender Credits: 3
- RELB 3408 - Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy Credits: 3
- RELB 3422 - Anthropology of Global Buddhism Credits: 3
- RELB 3495 - Early Buddhism in South Asia Credits: 3
- RELB 3655 - Buddhism in America Credits: 3
- RELC 1210 - Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Credits: 3
- RELC 1220 - New Testament and Early Christianity Credits: 3
- RELC 2000 - The Bible and Its Interpreters Credits: 3
- RELC 2050 - The Rise of Christianity Credits: 3
- RELC 2215 - Mormonism and American Culture Credits: 3
- RELC 2245 - Global Christianity Credits: 3
- RELC 2360 - Elements of Christian Thought Credits: 3
- RELC 2401 - History of American Catholicism Credits: 3
- RELC 2770 - The Black Church Credits: 3
- RELC 2850 - The Kingdom of God in America Credits: 3
- RELC 3006 - Augustine’s City of God Credits: 3
- RELC 3009 - Protestant Theology Credits: 3
- RELC 3030 - Jesus and the Gospels Credits: 3
- RELC 3040 - Paul: Letters and Theology Credits: 3
- RELC 3043 - Themes in Eastern Orthodoxy: An Introduction Credits: 3
- RELC 3077 - Christian Theologies of Liberation Credits: 3
- RELC 3115 - Evangelicalism Credits: 3
- RELC 3150 - Salem Witch Trials Credits: 3
- RELC 3181 - Medieval Christianity Credits: 3
- RELC 3222 - From Jefferson to King Credits: 3
- RELC 3240 - Medieval Mysticism Credits: 3
- RELC 3292 - The Book of Job & Its Interpretation Credits: 3
- RELC 3447 - History of Christian Ethics Credits: 3
- RELC 3465 - American Religion, Social Reform, and Democracy Credits: 3
- RELC 3469 - Survey of Apocryphal Christian Literature Credits: 3
- RELC 3620 - Modern Theology Credits: 3
- RELC 3625 - Christ Credits: 3
- RELC 3665 - Gender and Sexuality in the Bible Credits: 3
- RELC 3675 - Women in Ancient and Medieval Christianity Credits: 3
- RELC 3685 - Christianity, Gender, and Sexuality Credits: 3
- RELC 3690 - The Gospel of John and Its Interpretation Credits: 3
- RELH 2090 - Hinduism Credits: 3
- RELH 3105 - Hinduism and Ecology Credits: 3
- RELH 3140 - The Jain Tradition Credits: 3
- RELH 3426 - The History of Yoga Credits: 3
- RELH 3440 - Religion and Violence in Modern India Credits: 3
- RELH 3725 - Travel Writing and India Credits: 3
- RELH 3740 - Hinduism Through its Narrative Literatures Credits: 3
- RELH 3745 - The Hindu Epics Credits: 3
- SATR 3350 - Languages of Love in South Asia: Bhakti and Beyond Credits: 3
- RELI 2024 - Jewish-Muslim Relations Credits: 3
- RELI 2070 - Classical Islam Credits: 3
- RELI 2080 - Global Islam Credits: 3
- RELI 2085 - Modern Islam:From the Age of Empires to the Present Credits: 3
- RELI 3110 - Muhammad and the Qur’an Credits: 3
- RELI 3120 - Sufism: Islamic Mysticism Credits: 3
- RELI 3200 - Muslim Misfits: Islam and the Question of Orthodoxy Credits: 3
- RELI 3355 - Prophecy in Islam and Judaism Credits: 3
- RELI 3670 - Islamic Politics Credits: 3
- RELI 3900 - Introduction to Islam in Africa through the Arts Credits: 3
- MESA 3120 - Classics of Islamic Literature: Islamic Mystical
Writing Credits: 3 - MESA 3345 - Islam, Science, and the Environment Credits: 3
- RELG 2820 - Jerusalem Credits: 3
- RELG 3630 - Idolatry Credits: 3
- RELC 3292 - The Book of Job & Its Interpretation Credits: 3
- RELC 3665 - Gender and Sexuality in the Bible Credits: 3
- RELJ 1210 - Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Credits: 3
- RELJ 2024 - Jewish-Muslim Relations Credits: 3
- RELJ 2030 - Judaism, Roots and Rebellion Credits: 3
- RELJ 2031 - Introduction to Jewish Life in America Credits: 3
- RELJ 2040 - American Judaism Credits: 3
- RELJ 3052 - Responses to the Holocaust Credits: 3
- RELJ 3100 - Medieval Jewish Thought Credits: 3
- RELJ 3170 - Modern Jewish Thought Credits: 3
- RELJ 3292 - The Book of Job & Its Interpretation Credits: 3
- RELJ 3350 - Judaism and Ethics Credits: 3
- RELJ 3355 - Prophecy in Islam and Judaism Credits: 3
- RELJ 3372 - German Jewish Culture and History Credits: 3
- RELJ 3390 - Jewish Feminism Credits: 3
- RELJ 3708 - Enduring Questions in Modern Judaism Credits: 3
- RELJ 3885 - Introduction to Judaism Through The Arts Credits: 3
- RELA 2400 - Introduction to Africana Religions Credits: 3
- RELA 2700 - Festivals of the Americas Credits: 3
- RELA 2750 - African Religions Credits: 3
- RELA 2800 - Introduction to Yoruba Religions Credits: 3
- RELA 2850 - Afro- Creole Religions in the Americas Credits: 3
- RELA 3073 - Religion and Society in Nigeria Credits: 3
- RELA 3351 - African Diaspora Religions Credits: 3
- RELA 3730 - Religious Themes in African Literature and Film Credits: 3
- RELA 3890 - Christianity in Africa Credits: 3
- RELA 3900 - Introduction to Islam in Africa through the Arts Credits: 3
- RELA 4085 - Christian Missions in Contemporary Africa Credits: 3
- RELA 4200 - Introduction to African Philosophy: Race, Religion, and Rationality Credits: 3
- RELC 2770 - The Black Church Credits: 3
- RELG 3200 - Martin, Malcolm, and America Credits: 3
- RELG 3405 - Introduction to Black and Womanist Religious
Thought Credits: 3 - RELG 3713 - Black Religion and the Criminal Justice System Credits: 3
- RELG 3800 - African American Religious History Credits: 3
- RELG 3960 - Religion and the Black Freedom Struggle Credits: 3
- RELA 2400 - Introduction to Africana Religions Credits: 3
- RELA 2700 - Festivals of the Americas Credits: 3
- RELA 2850 - Afro- Creole Religions in the Americas Credits: 3
- RELA 3351 - African Diaspora Religions Credits: 3
- RELB 3655 - Buddhism in America Credits: 3
- RELC 2401 - History of American Catholicism Credits: 3
- RELC 3115 - Evangelicalism Credits: 3
- RELC 3215 - American Religious Innovation Credits: 3
- RELC 3222 - From Jefferson to King Credits: 3
- RELC 3465 - American Religion, Social Reform, and Democracy Credits: 3
- RELG 2150 - Religion in American Life and Thought to 1865 Credits: 3
- RELG 2155 - Whiteness & Religion: Religious Foundations of a Racial Category Credits: 3
- RELG 2160 - Religion in American Life and Thought from 1865 to the Present Credits: 3
- RELG 2660 - “Spiritual But Not Religious”: Spirituality in America Credits: 3
- RELG 3200 - Martin, Malcolm, and America Credits: 3
- RELG 3800 - African American Religious History Credits: 3
- RELG 3960 - Religion and the Black Freedom Struggle Credits: 3
- RELG 4023 - Bioethics Internship Seminar Credits: 3
- RELA 4200 - Introduction to African Philosophy: Race, Religion, and Rationality Credits: 3
- RELB 2067 - Buddhism and Environmental Thought and Practice Credits: 3
- RELB 2200 - Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy Credits: 3
- RELB 3408 - Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy Credits: 3
- RELC 3150 - Salem Witch Trials Credits: 3
- RELC 3245 - Religion, Law, and Culture Credits: 3
- RELC 3447 - History of Christian Ethics Credits: 3
- RELG 2210 - Religion, Ethics, & Global Environment Credits: 3
- RELG 2300 - Religious Ethics and Moral Problems Credits: 3
- RELG 2380 - Faith and Doubt in the Modern Age Credits: 3
- RELG 2630 - Business, Ethics, and Society Credits: 3
- RELG 2650 - Religion, Ethics & Health Care Credits: 3
- RELG 3001 - Gods, Humans, Robots Credits: 3
- RELG 3255 - Ethics, Literature, and Religion Credits: 3
- RELG 3416 - Sustainability and Asceticism Credits: 3
- RELG 3630 - Idolatry Credits: 3
- RELG 3820 - Global Ethics & Climate Change Credits: 3
- RELG 3950 - Evil in Modernity: Banal or Demonic Credits: 3
- RELG 4910 - Secularism and Religion Credits: 3
- RELJ 3350 - Judaism and Ethics Credits: 3
- MESA 3345 - Islam, Science, and the Environment Credits: 3
- PHIL 2660 - Philosophy of Religion Credits: 3
- RELA 2700 - Festivals of the Americas Credits: 3
- RELA 3730 - Religious Themes in African Literature and Film Credits: 3
- RELA 3900 - Introduction to Islam in Africa through the Arts Credits: 3
- RELB 2120 - Buddhist Literature Credits: 3
- RELB 2252 - Buddhism in Film Credits: 3
- RELG 2160 - Religion in American Life and Thought from 1865 to the Present Credits: 3
- RELG 2255 - Religion and Film Credits: 3
- RELG 2713 - Sensing the Sacred: Sensory Perception and Religious Imagination Credits: 3
- RELG 3255 - Ethics, Literature, and Religion Credits: 3
- RELG 4023 - Bioethics Internship Seminar Credits: 3
- RELG 4810 - Poetry and Theology Credits: 3
- RELH 3725 - Travel Writing and India Credits: 3
- RELH 3740 - Hinduism Through its Narrative Literatures Credits: 3
- RELI 3900 - Introduction to Islam in Africa through the Arts Credits: 3
- RELJ 3095 - The Bible in Fiction and Film Credits: 3
- RELJ 3885 - Introduction to Judaism Through The Arts Credits: 3
- ENGL 4590 - Seminar in Literary Genres Credits: 3
- MESA 3120 - Classics of Islamic Literature: Islamic Mystical
Writing Credits: 3 - SATR 3350 - Languages of Love in South Asia: Bhakti and Beyond Credits: 3
- RELA 3073 - Religion and Society in Nigeria Credits: 3
- RELB 3150 - Seminar in Buddhism and Gender Credits: 3
- RELC 3245 - Religion, Law, and Culture Credits: 3
- RELC 3465 - American Religion, Social Reform, and Democracy Credits: 3
- RELC 4044 - Religion and the American Courts Credits: 3
- RELG 2155 - Whiteness & Religion: Religious Foundations of a Racial Category Credits: 3
- RELG 2210 - Religion, Ethics, & Global Environment Credits: 3
- RELG 2266 - Religion, Media, and Democracy Credits: 3
- RELG 2285 - Religion, Politics, Society Credits: 3
- RELG 2495 - Religious Violence in the West: From the Crusades to #Charlottesville Credits: 3
- RELG 2630 - Business, Ethics, and Society Credits: 3
- RELG 2820 - Jerusalem Credits: 3
- RELG 3200 - Martin, Malcolm, and America Credits: 3
- RELG 3325 - The Civil Rights Movement in Religious and Theological Perspective Credits: 3
- RELG 3416 - Sustainability and Asceticism Credits: 3
- RELG 3713 - Black Religion and the Criminal Justice System Credits: 3
- RELG 3820 - Global Ethics & Climate Change Credits: 3
- RELG 3960 - Religion and the Black Freedom Struggle Credits: 3
- RELG 4910 - Secularism and Religion Credits: 3
- ANTH 2320 - Anthropology of Religion Credits: 3
- ANTH 3320 - Shamanism, Healing, and Ritual Credits: 3
- SOC 4520 - Topics in Religion and Society Credits: 3