Nathan Walton
PhD 2018
- University of Virginia, Ph.D., Theology, Ethics, and Culture (2017)
- Duke University, Master of Divinity (2012)
- University of Virginia, B.A. in Religious Studies (2009)
Research Interests
- The Prosperity Gospel
- Christology
- Theological Anthropology
- Introduction to Western Religions
- Protestant Theology
- The Kingdom of God in America
- The Reform and Global Expansion of Christianity
- Spiritual Autobiography
- Institute for Advanced Studies and Culture Associate Fellow
- Forum for Theological Exploration Doctoral Fellow
- James O. Duncan Fellow
Presentations and Lectures
- University of Virginia Undergraduate Course: “Business, Ethics, and Society"
- Guest Lecture: “The Prosperity Gospel and Poverty”
- “Freedom From or Freedom For?: Word of Faith Theology and Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Human Freedom,” Princeton Seminary Koinonia Forum Annual Meeting
- “The Prosperity Gospel, Principles, and Progress: The Word of Faith Movement, Stanley Hauerwas, and the Narrative Structure of Christian Discourse,” Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion Annual Meeting