Mark Hadley
Professor, Religious Studies; Assistant Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
- BA, Reed College, Religion
- MA, University of Chicago, Divinity
- PhD, Brown University, Religious Studies
Research Interests
- African American Religious and Social Criticism
- Classical and Contemporary Pragmatic Philosophy
- History of American Philosophy and Religious Thought
- Social Ethics
- RELG 3200: Martin, Malcolm, and America
- RELC 3222: From Jefferson to King
- USEM 1580: Religion and Democracy in Black and White
Selected Publications and Talks
- “The Democratic Practice of Jane Addams,” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Chicago, November 18, 2013.
- “Jane Addams and the Pragmatic Method in Ethics,” Society of Christian Ethics Annual Meeting, New Orleans, January 9, 2011.
- “Mill and James on Religion’s Utility,” AAR Annual Meeting, Montreal, November 10, 2009.
- “Ethical Monotheism or Ethical Polytheism?: Reflections on Troeltsch, Weber, and James” in Ethical Monotheism: Traditions and Prospects, co-edited with Ted Vial (Society of Biblical Literature/Brown University Judaic Studies, 2001).
- Ethical Monotheism: Traditions and Prospects, co-edited with Ted Vial (Society of Biblical Literature/Brown University Judaic Studies, 2001).
- Counterpoints: Issues in Teaching in Religious Studies, co-edited with Mark Unno (Brown University Religious Studies, 1995).