Laura Hawthorne
PhD 2015. Interim Assistant Dean and Lecturer for the College of Arts and Sciences, UVA
- University of Virginia, Ph.D. (2015)
- University of Chicago, M.Div. (2008)
- University of Chicago, B.A. (2003)
Responsibility to Protect: Just War Thinking in an Age of Human Rights
Research Interests
- Religious ethics
- Comparative ethics
- Christian ethics and theology
- Islamic ethics
- War and peace studies, just war
- Human rights
- Feminist and liberation ethics and theology
- Refugee studies
- Ethics of migration
- Religions and Human Rights (instructor)
- Business, Ethics, and Society (instructor)
- Religious Ethics and Moral Problems (teaching assistant)
- Theology, Ethics, and Medicine (teaching assistant)
- Elements of Christian Thought (teaching assistant)
My teaching interests and competencies include comparative religious ethics; introduction to Christian thought; introduction to Jewish, Christian, and Muslim ethical thinking; practical ethics; war and peace studies; human rights; religious ethics of migration; and theories and methods in religious studies and the study of ethics.
Fellowships, Grants, and Awards
- 2014-15 Dissertation Fellow, The Louisville Institute
- 2014-15 Junior Fellow, University of Virginia Society of Fellows
- 2014 University of Virginia Nominee, Dolores Z. Liebmann Dissertation Fellowship Award
- 2013-14 Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture Dissertation Fellowship Award (declined)
- 2013 Finalist, University of Virginia Three Minute Thesis competition
- 2012 University of Virginia Center for International Studies Grant for “Religion and International Law”
- 2012 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Educational Grant
- 2011 Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion Grant for “Confessional Commitments in Pluralistic Publics”
- 2011-present Associate Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture
- 2011-present Associate Fellow, Institute for Practical Ethics and Public Life
- “Crossing the Borders of Scholarly Collaboration: Religious Ethical Thinking about Migration” (article under review)
- “Learner-Centered Course Design and Pluralistic Engagement in Ethics Courses,” Teaching Interreligious Encounters (Oxford University Press; American Academy of Religion Teaching Religious Studies Series) (chapter accepted; book proposal under review)
- “Lutheran Thought, Civil Disobedience, and the New Sanctuary Movement,” Strangers in this World: Multi-Religious Reflections on Immigration, ed. Hussam S. Timani, Allen G. Jorgenson, and Alexander Y. Hwang (Fortress Press, forthcoming 2015).
- Review of Contemporary Issues of Migration and Theology, ed. Elaine Padilla and Peter C. Phan, in The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics v. 2, 2014.
Selected Presentations
- “The Law of Nations and the Least of These: Contemporary Political Authority and the Responsibility to Protect,” The Society of Christian Ethics Annual Meeting, January 2015 (forthcoming)
- Student Lounge Roundtable Presenter, American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, November 2014 (forthcoming)
- “Mapping the Terrain of Religious and Ethical Thinking about Migration,” Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion (Southeast Regional American Academy of Religion) Annual Meeting, March 2014
- “Political Authority in the Work of Luther and Calvin: Reflecting Theologically on the Role of International Political Bodies in Authorizing Intervention across National Borders,” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, November 2012
- “Religious Challenges to Human Rights: Bringing Muslims and Christians into Conversation,” co-presented with R. Brian Siebeking, Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions Symposium on Humanitarianism and Human Rights in the 21st Century, October 2012
- “Christian Cosmopolitanism and the Common Good: Possibilities for a Christian Public Discourse about Undocumented Immigrants in the United States,” Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion (Southeast Regional American Academy of Religion) Annual Meeting, March 2012
- “Refugees and Human Trafficking: Christian Cosmopolitanism and Porous Borders,” University of Denver/Iliff School of Theology International Conference on Religion, Human Trafficking, and Modern Slavery, April 2011
Selected Academic Service and Professional Development
- 2013-present Co-chair, “Interreligious Reflections on Immigration” seminar, American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting 2012-13
- Participant, Mellon Graduate Teaching Seminar, “Writing Human Rights (and Wrongs), Within and Across Disciplines” 2012 Co-organizer (with Charles Mathewes and Philip Lorish), visiting scholar seminar, “Religion and International Law: The New Ethics of Armed Conflict” 2010-12
- Participant, “Tomorrow’s Professor Today” academic professional development program through the University of Virginia Teaching Resource Center 2010-11
- Co-Organizer (with Matthew Puffer and Mark Storslee), “Confessional Commitments in Pluralistic Publics,” first annual Virginia Graduate Colloquium on Theology, Ethics, and Culture