Joshua T. Parks
Doctoral Student
- University of Virginia – PhD in religious studies (in progress)
- Princeton Theological Seminary – MTS in history and ecumenics (2023)
- Western Michigan University – MA in medieval studies (2020)
- Calvin University – BA in music and English literature (2018)
Research Interests
American religious and cultural history, religion and the Walt Disney Company, medievalism
- Religious biography of Walt Disney, under contract with Eerdmans for the Library of Religious Biography series
- Co-edited volume on medievalism in Disney media, in preparation with Brepols for the Reinterpreting the Middle Ages series
- Review of The Politics of Religious Literacy: Education and Emotion in a Secular Age by Justine Esta Ellis, Reading Religion, June 2024
- “Singing With the Chthulucene: More-than-Human Music in Theology and Worship,” Doxology 33, no. 3, fall 2022
- “Speculative Mythology: Tolkien’s Adaptation of the Devil and Winter in Old English Poetry,” Tolkien Studies 18, fall 2021
- “The Lament of the Disney Dad: What White Evangelicals Really Hate About ‘Wokeness’ at Disney World,” Religion Dispatches, May 5, 2021