Gillian Breckenridge
- University of Virginia: PhD in Religious Studies (Theology, Ethics, and Culture track)
- Union Seminary in the City of New York: STM (2006)
- University of Edinburgh: MA in Religious Studies (2005)
Title: "Evading the Word, Creating the Gospel: Karl Barth and Michel Foucault on the Power/Knowledge of Sin and the Task of Theology." Dissertation committee: Paul Dafydd Jones (chair), Charles Mathewes, Jennifer Geddes.
Research Interests
Christian theology; Social theory; Karl Barth; Michel Foucault; Hamartiology; Theological Epistemology; Constructions of Orthodoxy, Heterodoxy, and Heresy; Theological Hospitality; Feminist Theologies; Liberation Theology; Black Theology; Hans Urs von Balthasar; Holy Saturday; Julian of Norwich.
History of World Christianities, Claremont School of Theology (2017)
Introduction to Christianity, California Lutheran University (2016)
Introduction to Christian Theology, University of Mary Washington (2016)
Contemporary Christian Theologies, University of Virginia (2015)
Teaching Assistant
History of Christianity II, with Dr. Karl Shuve (2012)
Theology, Ethics, and Medicine, with Dr. Jim Childress (2011)
History of Christianity II, with Dr. Kevin Hart (2011)
Elements of Christian Thought, with Dr. Paul D. Jones (2010)
Aspects of the Catholic Tradition, with Dr. Gerald Fogarty (2010)
Elements of Christian Thought, with Dr. Kevin Hart (2009)
Invited Lectures
“Christian Feminist Theology: Serene Jones’ ‘Cartographies of Grace’,” University of Virginia, graduate course (2016)
"The Words and Silences of Women in the Bible," St. Paul's Memorial Church, public lecture (2015)
"Reading Julian of Norwich in Advent," Koinonia Virginia, public lecture (2014)
“Theology, Money, and Liberation,” University of Mary Washington, undergraduate course (2013)
"Introducing Feminist Theologies," St. Paul's Memorial Church, public lecture (2012)
“Faith and Reason in the thought of Thomas Aquinas,” University of Virginia, undergraduate course (2011)
“The early thought of Martin Luther,” University of Virginia, undergraduate course (2011)
"Revelations of Divine Love: Julian of Norwich," St. Paul's Memorial Church, public lecture (2011)
- “Demythologization in Rudolf Bultmann,” University of Virginia, undergraduate course (2010)
Papers presented at academic conferences
"'A Reality full of Declaration': Humanity as Likeness and Hope in CD III/2." Barth Graduate Student Colloquium, selected participant, held at Princeton Theological Seminary (August, 2016)
"Foucault, theology, and the encounter with God in the disclosure of theological privilege." Duke Graduate Conference: Encounter, held at Duke Divinity School (September 2015)
"We are all Paul: Reading Barth's Hamartiology through Judas' Kiss." 2015 Annual Karl Barth Conference: Karl Barth and the Gospels: Interpreting Gospel Texts, held at Princeton Theological Seminary (2015)
"Evading the Word, creating the gospel: Michel Foucault and the theological challenge of systemic sin.” Virginia Graduate Colloquium in Theology, Ethics, and Culture: Center or Vanishing Point? Perspectives on Religion and Theology, held at the University of Virginia (March 2015)
“Foucault, Barth, and the power/knowledge of the ‘all-distorting image.’” Society for the Study of Theology Postgraduate Conference: Images, Idols and Icons, held at the University of Manchester, U.K. (January 2015)
“Hence the Crucified Speaks the Truth: Sin as falsehood and the accusation of the Suffering Word in the theology of Karl Barth.” Duke Graduate Conference: Do Not be Silent at my Tears: Theological Perspectives on Suffering, held at Duke Divinity School (October 2014)
- Skinner Fellow, University of Virginia (2010 – present)
- Scottish Fellow, Union Seminary in the City of New York (2005 – 2006)