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The Path Forward

A screening of the 40-minute documentary “The Path Forward” by co-directors Julie Cohen, an American Jew, and Mo Husseini, a Palestinian American, as the fourth event in the series Engaging Difficult Conversations, hosted by Christa Acampora, the Dean of Arts and Sciences at the University of Virginia. A panel discussion with the co-directors and a small panel of faculty respondents will follow the screening.

“The Path Forward” shines a light on the growing call for an end to violence between Israelis and Palestinians and a path toward peaceful coexistence. The film follows three pairs—each consisting of a Palestinian Arab and an Israeli Jew, some of whom have lost loved ones to the conflict, including on October 7, 2023—who speak out together “against war, occupation and violence, and for peace, justice, empathy and sanity.”

The Path Forward Trailer

The event is sponsored by the Forum on Religion and Democracy, MESALC, the Islamic Worlds Initiative, the Jewish Studies Program, and the Office of the Dean of the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences.